Healthy food-fuel for your tummy while you work from home
You might not realise it, but you’re exerting and expending brain cells at this time while working away vigorously on your phone or tablet from home. It is essential that you replenish and feed on healthy snacks while you work for optimum performance, alertness and brain vitality and re-invigoration. Thankfully we have a few pointers we’d love to share with you as to snack items while you work. These are great for your kids too, this is no time to go crazy on the fattening, oily stuff or processed sugar, your immune system will thank you for it, or maybe not, depending on which route you choose to go.
Yoghurt: A healthy GI tract is a sign of overall health. Boost yours with yogurt. Look for labels that say the product has “live and active cultures” to ensure it’s a good source of probiotics. Because lots of flavored yogurt is also high in sugar make sure you select a low sugar option, Greek yoghurt or pick plain yogurt and flavor it with honey or fruit. With greek yoghurt, you’ll pack more satiating protein into the snack. In addition to helping gut health, yogurt is a good source of Vitamin D, which is believed to regulate the immune system.
Cold ice/ green tea: this can prove to be oddly satisfying as well as thirst-quenching. If you’re not a lover of green tea like me and have a sweet tooth, throw in a few cubes of ice, a spoonful of sugar,as well as a little ginger for some pizzaz.🤭
Like me, are you nuts about Nuts?: The vitamin E in walnuts and pistachios helps fight invading bacteria and keeps cells healthy. These nuts also contain niacin and riboflavin, which help build immunity. Add to that that walnuts are one of the top anti-inflammatory foods and you have a nutritional powerhouse for fighting off illness. Grab a handful of nuts as a snack, or use a pistachio nut butter on fresh wheat bread or salted crackers.
Grow your immune by ingesting deeds: Zinc is one of the best minerals for building immunity and it’s found in spades in a variety of snackable seeds. Three tablespoons of hemp seeds gives women 43%, and men 31% of the recommended daily intake. Pumpkin, flax and sesame seeds are also high in zinc. Seeds can be eaten on their own or sprinkled on other immunity boasting foods like yogurt for a double dose of virus-fighting protection. Don’t like to crunch on seeds alone? A sprinkle on your healthy yoghurt or parfait will do the trick.
The good old citrus: Citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C, which are essential to the production of the white blood cells that keep sickness at bay. Our body’s don’t produce or store Vitamin C so we must eat it or supplement it every day. Have a selection from oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit on hand for easy snacking.
Chocolate? Then go dark: Studies show that cocoa has a positive affect on the immune system and is an antioxidant. The trick is to choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. Because chocolate is high in fat and calories it’s important to eat it in moderation.
So get cracking with these healthy goodies while at work from home, and stay in great shape and great health.