Sometimes I feel like I really should take some time off on weekends and just chill and enjoy my free time, but when I think of all the contents I could probably be cooking up and all the unfinished projects I could quickly run through, I find myself postponing chill time and just work even on weekends. It almost feels like a sin to not reply emails or engage in little office work during my free time.
So, I said to myself, if I truly want to enjoy my weekends and not drag work into my personal free time, I gotta make a lot of changes to my routine. And that’s when I discovered these 3 secrets that helped. If you want to know how not to work another weekend, you might want to take note of these 3 habits which I adopted that has been very helpful. Ready??
1. Your weekend free time is non-negotiable:
Treat your weekends like a work schedule on its own that’ll take at least 48 hours to complete. That way you always tell yourself that you literally don’t have time for any other business during these 48 hours except rest and chill. It might be difficult for you on the first few tries especially if you’ve been working on most weekends, but practice they say makes perfect. So yea, try it out again and again until you master the art.
2. Be productive during weekdays!
One of the foremost reasons why a person would constantly be stressed out working during weekends is because they have spill over work from the week today should have been cleared. So, if you’re in the habit of taking work from the week over to the weekend, you really need to stop. Try this, be extra productive during the week, make sure you complete your projects for the week latest Friday afternoon. This way, you’ll better be able to enjoy your weekends.
3. Put a reasonable limit to the amount of work you can take on during the weekends:
Of course, we came really run away from a little bit of work from the office, say preparations for the best week on Sunday evenings and all that. But make sure that even if you have to do something work related, it’s not really a bulk work – something that will take your time and drain you. Sometimes on the weekends I like prepping for the next week, and that’s just creating content calendars and nothing more. Always make certain this at there is a reasonable limit to the amount of work you can do on weekends such that even if you have to do a little bit of life work, it’ll be really minimal.
But hey, there’s no hard and fast rules. The mule will say ” If you’re new to a job and are trying to impress your boss, it’s OK to work through your first few weekends to get caught up”. So, yea, the thing is you should feel you’re more in control of your free time at the end of the day.