Apps That Keep Realtors H’Appy
As a realtor, most likely, you’re definitely always on the move. The job demands it. Ensuring that you stay efficient and get things done while you’re constantly on the go can prove to be a challenge as you don’t do a sit-down 9-5. Thankfully, with a whole new world of apps brewing and hitting our phone stores, you can max out every minute and make it count without losing a sale or letting a trail go cold, while carrying out official functions and paperwork without so much hassle or skipping a bit as you move in and out of meetings, site inspections and allocations. Here are some apps that’d be great to check out:
Realtor conference coming up somewhere out of town or country? Handle your travel itinerary and business with Tripit. Forward your details inclusive of your flight number, car rental, lodging and restaurant information to, this apps all-inclusive itinerary features everything you’d need.
Have you got super busy clients who would sadly be unable to attend that open house you direly need them to attend? Then Periscope comes to the rescue. Give your clients a live virtual tour experience of the open house with this live streaming app.
How do you scan documents on the go without branching off to an office or computer centre or even carrying around a physical printer? Evernote Scannable lets you instantly scan receipts, files, and more. It saves you from having to navigate to and from to the office, helps you declutter, and furnishes the relief of staying on top of your paper work game.
In the world of real estate, pictures are everything. They sell the properties even before you try. It’s not about sharing everyone’s else’s photos, but about creating your own best version photos, clean, crisp, high res images. Try Phonto, this app even allows you put text on photos. Take ordinary, everyday photos and transform them into inspirational snapshots that you can share on social media.
Trying to get videos of a property to prospects via email but it’s proving too voluminous? DropBox is the ideal app for sharing high-quality photos and videos of landed properties, floor plans, and more. Send a simple link to your clients or prospects, and they can view their future home from the comfort of their couch.
How are you doing with those daily and weekly goals of yours? Tracking your performance and actualization of your goals is how you win. WinStreak is an app that helps you gain victory with your day-to-day goals. Just set three business goals for each day of the week and try to beat your biggest competitor — yourself. Or get your whole team in on the app and host a competitive game each week with a small giveaway.
As a realtor, you do know that blogging is one way to distinguish yourself from the pack right as a thought leader and go-to for real estate information? Now blogging from your handheld device has been made even more simple with Day One. In between running around with clients and handling paperwork, Day One simplifies your blogging process. You can take a picture on your phone as the premise for the day’s post, write down your articulated thought around the picture, select pretty typography and design, and bam! Your post is in. The app mechanically tracks dates, location, and weather status, and you can easily share the URL with your clients via email, text, and social media.
Are the numbers adding up? What are the analytics of all your work saying, where is it pointing you to? If you’re a realtor set on growing your business in leaps and bounds, it’s essential to know the numbers. With Pocket Analytics, you can get precise figures on who’s interacting with your personal brand by linking directly to your Google Analytics page, your Facebook page, and more. (This is however a paid-for app. Nothing ventured, nothing gained).
How do you ensure that your entire team and even clients are carried along seamlessly on a real estate transaction? In this competitive homebuying market, time matters, and communicating with each individual client or team member can prove to be cumbersome. With DotLoop, you can communicate with your team and your client throughout the real estate process. Set up to-do lists that everyone can see, guide your clients through their documents, and use analytics to get insight on the success of your transactions.
Need to make an avantgarde, fresh presentation to a client or key decision-makers who are looking to invest, and you have a Mac or Ipad? Flowvella is the “IT” app. You can make stunning presentations easily, create your storyboard of images, show PDFs, and even share from YouTube.
Your entire presentation can be shared with a simple URL. PowerPoint? So very 2000 and late. Boasting fresh, exciting templates, this is next gen stuff that just puts your presentation in a league of its own. Your clients just can’t resist its allure.
Need to put pen to that electronic paper or document? SignEasy lets you sign electronic documents anywhere and at any time. If there’s a bulk of electronic documents requiring your signature quickly, SignEasy does it.
To sell a client, you need to tap into their emotions. The cliché about clients being emotional buyers is no cliché, facts. And what better way to emotionally hook your clients than with storytelling? Steller is the app that will help you easily create unique photo albums of your open houses and share them to your social media accounts. What sets this apart from other photo album apps is its clean layout and emphasis on storytelling. Did you have a successful sale recently? Take pictures of your clients (with their permission), get pretty snapshots of their new home, and create an album to tell their story.
The award for the savviest Personal Assistant in app form goes to: 24me smart personal assistant! This distinguished personal help will streamline your most hectic days and make them more manageable. Got an inspection, allocation, townhall meeting, realtor’s conference, meetings with client, open house, estate tour, or ground-breaking ceremony coming up? Haven’t had breakfast? This handy app uses voice recognition to control notes, tasks, and meetings. Jump into a conference call without having to dial in, convert your email to-dos into tasks, and share lists (even grocery lists) with your team or family.
2019 is the year of relentlessly getting things done, with nothing getting in the way even while you’re on your way, out and about. How much time and resources you
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this is really helpful
Indeed helpful