Why You Should Invest In an Off-Plan Property

Off-Plan Property is a real estate Project that has to do with selling or investment before the property is built and it is carried out with a scheduled work and time frame.

Subscribes or off takers usually get involved in the project before the property or structure is completed and payment is done in installments. Development in the estate also determines the price, it can either be facilities, access, structures and most especially buildings around the piece of land.

For example, ‘Westwood Homes’ which is one of our estates; is currently carrying out a scheduled work and time frame. It is a project that has been introduced to subscribe at the inception of the process of construction. Pre-construction is usually marketed to developers and early adopters (Subscribers) so that they can secure a much better financial valve than the later Subscribers.

One of the consideration you will need to make when buying a property is: should you buy an established home or is buying off-plan a better idea? While the excitement of being the first person to live in the home and the flexibility to choose your floor plan and colour schemes may be appealing.

These are the key benefits of investing in an off-plan property.
  • Increase in Property value
  • Lock in price.
  • Securing a high Valve assets for a low initial capital outlay.
  • Strong capital growth can attained.
  • Ability to re-sell at a profit before completion.
  • Small deposit and staged payments.
  • Property is the new pension.
  • Financial benefits


The demand for Property in Nigeria is likely to remain high, increasing the property market to grow day-by-day and in each waking hour. Land investment is consider to be one of the most influential business in the world.

Have a chat with us today and find out more on how to invest in off-plan Property in Nigeria.


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