Why your work in real estate seems “not good enough”

Many have said, and there are no lies with the saying, that real estate entrepreneurs and business owners are set to live some of the most leisurely, time-flexible, purpose-driven, self-managed and financially rewarding lives, ever. We know for a fact that many real estate entrepreneurs could very well be on some island, with just a laptop and a phone, transacting business and getting the job done, getting those documents signed and keys delivered, thanks to the advent of real estate tech, but we also recognize that not every real estate agent and entrepreneur lives like that. But why not?

Why is it that for some real estate entrepreneurs, they struggle, barely trudging on, when there’s so much more that their business can set them up with, in the lines of financial rewards, building successful businesses, while still creating the life they’ll truly enjoy?

Here are some reasons why:

Are all your processes streamlined and tied in together holistically, in accordance with the singular goal and purpose?

Every morning you rise, do you rise and say, hey today is fail day and I’m going to fail? Hardly anyone rises with this mindset. And yet the big question is, how are your thought processes, functions, activities, partnerships, relationships sustained, strategies and executions all coordinated and aligned to directly point and catapult you to the winning arena?

How clear is your vision, how detailed is your big picture, are all the tiny minuscule bits and pieces webbed and running to bring you that success you seek? Your client management, your business tactics, your marketing, sales and online strategies, your financial management and investment sense, you, you, you, your mind, are all of these bits and pieces seamlessly working in accordance with achieving your greatest reason, the “why” that makes you do what you do?

All areas of your life have to be propelled simultaneously with the right amount of push and force required to launch you into success territory. You will not cut corners, you will not bask in and become complacent thanks to short term gratification when long term success isn’t here yet but definitely within reach.

Overhaul so as to cultivate the “learn, grow, and master” entrepreneur thought pattern and mentality

We’re yet to see a born real estate tycoon and guru. Even Boss baby knows no such person. The skill of consistently, tenaciously, and doggedly winning at the real estate business has to be learnt, continuously. It’s never a full circle, there’s always a new learning curve every crossroad you get to. And so continuously firing on with the relentless ambition and drive to learn and transact has got to be one of the greatest toolboxes of any real estate entrepreneur. So, what did you do with your hugely satisfying wins? What empowering moments have stuck with you from them and how are you doubling your force of fire from those wins? How about the despairing losses, what have they taught you? Have you grown from the, because of them and in spite of them? How are you galvanizing and utilising 2 of your most precious resources, your time and your money? Are you an investment platform in yourself, are you investing in yourself, so that you can churn out returns from your very own self?

Know that in the grandest scheme of things, you matter the most

You are the very foundation, upon which all else rests. In your real estate business, you are the business and the business is you. You are the main master, the henchman, the stalwart, the visionary, the executor, the rider, the idea churner, the risk taker, the be-all and do all. So why would you want to toy with your greatest asset- you?

Take great care of you. Your business will by no means flourish to its fullest and greatest capacity if you suffer, whether by means of depreciating relationships around you, if your health is floundering, if you suffer mentally and are poor in mind and spirits, if you’re not consistently edifying your mind and brain through study, positive thinking and thought patterns, exercise, good nutrition and rest. Gather closely to yourself all the things and people that support you and help you achieve balance.

“To truly peak at whatever you set your hands to, bring your peak persona to the plough” – Unknown.

Building a successful real estate business means that you are not only creating wealth but are able to enjoy the freedom and flexibility that your business offers. Tuning into and aligning with your greater purpose, focusing on building an entrepreneurial mindset and taking care of your biggest asset are key ways that you can work on achieving the success you dream of.

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