Living from pay check to pay check? You deserve better
It’s less than 2 weeks after payday, and you’re already looking to be broke. Wallet empty, account already in the red. As abysmal and dismaying as this is, it’s the sad reality for most income earners, and it seems like a vicious cycle with no end in sight. More than 70 percent of workers live…

Red Alert: Assured Return schemes
“Assured Returns” is one of the most popular terms used in commercial and residential real estate projects to attract prospective buyers. What #happens in this scenario is that developers promise a certain ‘Assured Return’ on their real estate projects, offering as high as 12-18% returns till possession. This alluring offer entices the gullible public to…

The right realtor for you when selling your home
It’s time for a new beginning. It’s new, dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for you (I’m literally quoting the lyrics from Micheal Buble’s “Feeling Good” track). You’ve bought a newer property and you just want to start afresh, something just doesn’t sit quite right with you, or say, you’re moving out…

An undisclosed secret that helps new realtors gain clients
New realtors, having trouble finding clients and doing business? It can be quite a challenge to establish themselves as a local expert in real estate—especially when you’re competing against seasoned professionals. One often overlooked way to gain experience and insight into a local real estate market is to help renters seeking new apartments. If you’re…

How to Invest in Real Estate Affordably
Most investment portfolios and retirement plans are invested in stocks and fixed-income investments. But real estate trumps all of these as it is an excellent portfolio diversification because of it being a “hard asset”. More so, the long-term investment performance of real estate is hard to argue with. Adding some real estate to your…

A modernist look at Farm House Living
How would you like to live as closely as possible to the farm that produces the very meals you eat? Would this be an alluring case of “being one with nature? Well “Agri-hood” communities are becoming very popular in the United States for example, and here’s why: Eager to attract buyers who want modern…

Realtors, Dress for Success
Are you a realtor? How can you ensure that you’re dressing for success, that your appearance and outlook is working up the numbers even before your pitch and site inspection does anything? *Here’s how: * The most important thing to remember as an agent no matter what you’re wearing is to look clean and carry yourself…

On the move with baby in tow
Moving homes…Goh we know how incredibly stressful that is. It’s a nightmare for so many even though they are enthralled by the prospect of a new home, new environment and the rich prospect that the change brings. Add a baby to that moving equation and the plot thickens with stress, totally changes the whole dynamics.…

Networking: Why it’s king in the real estate business
For a business that’s heavily dependent on relationships and referrals such as ours real estate, you either network, or you network. Now while understanding the quintessence of networking is one thing, being adept and really effective at it is another. It doesn’t matter the size of event, function, or gathering that you’re at, an all-state…

Skills of negotiation that ensure you stay winning in real estate
A huge bulk of negotiation stories that you hear frequently set negotiating parties at odd with each other, each party immovably standing their ground and being resolute in their stance, almost like players on opposing sports teams tugging at it relentlessly until the scoreboard declares a winner. Many new agents make the mistake of starting…

New House number? Here’s how to shake off the alien feels in a new neighbourhood
neighbourhood Home alone, on a lazy Saturday afternoon, you stand, looking out your window, wondering if you belong here, if you fit in here, and when you will. It feels all foreign and new and strange to you, and feeling like a fish out of water probably best describes it. We all know that foreigner…

Why hire a property manager for your real estate rental properties
You’ve been in the business of buying lands, building them into rental properties, and right now you’ve got several of these properties under your belt. Are you bucking under the pressure of running and managing all of your property investments at the same time, without leaving nothing to chance? Then you should be thinking of…
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